How to Get Drive-Thru Orders to the Kitchen Faster
are always looking for ways to provide quicker service. One proven method is
getting orders to the kitchen faster. Two of the most effective ways to achieve
this goal include:
1. Remote
ordering. Make it easy
for your customers to order remotely by phone, Internet or social media app.
That way kitchen personnel can start on their orders before they arrive at your
2. Speed
teams. Send out multiple
line busters to take orders before customers reach the order point. Equip the
team with mobile tablets that can instantly send orders to the kitchen and
further reduce service times by handling payment on the spot.
CE, we reduce service times by providing same-day service on most
repairs. We fix your drive-thru parts and equipment quickly and professionally,
and send them back to you pronto. For even faster service, try our Advance Exchange program.
We’ll overnight a temporary replacement part to use while we repair you
non-functional part.
also believe in helping you save money on your drive-thru part repairs, which
is why we offer free inbound
shipping on all repairs. Our Drive-Thru
Protection Plan provides ongoing savings by providing unlimited repairs at
one low monthly cost.
fast service and friendly pricing on all your drive-thru part repairs, call CE
today at 877-731-0334.