How To Save on Drive-Thru Part Repairs

Commercial Electronics 0 25
Is the frequent need for drive-thru part repairs a downer for your drive-thru operations? If so, consider signing up for a CE Repairs’ Drive-Thru Protection Plan.  The plan offers essentially unlimited repairs for one low monthly payment. And if you sign up now your first month is free!   We use quality parts and services. Our plan covers all models and brands of drive-thru parts. We provide...

The Safe Way to Keep Your HME Headsets Clean and Sanitized

Commercial Electronics 0 28
Today’s drive-thru headsets are built to last. They last even longer when you provide proper maintenance on a regular basis. Here’s how to keep them clean and sanitized without damaging the unit.   Turn off and disconnect the headset device before you start cleaning. Wipe with a dry microfiber cloth to remove dust and dirt. Avoid harsh or abrasive cleaners. Don’t spray anything directly...

How to Make a Good First Impression With Drive-Thru Customers

Commercial Electronics 0 24
First impressions are important to new drive-thru customers. Otherwise they might not return if their first experience isn’t a good one. Here are five ways to deliver a positive first experience to your guests:   Clearly mark all entrances and exits so they know where to go. Provide multiple options for viewing your menu. Maintain smooth, efficient lane layouts for faster...

The Benefits of Tandem Drive-Thru Lanes

Commercial Electronics 0 70
Don’t have room to add an additional lane for your drive-thru? Try maximizing the available space with tandem lanes. They use two order points, two order takers, and two pickup windows all in one lane so two cars can follow the same path when ordering and picking up their meals. Benefits of this unique layout include:   Increase the number of customers you can serve in one lane. Increase...
