Two Questions To Improve Drive-Thru Customer Service

Commercial Electronics 0 29
The secret to attracting more customers to your drive-thru brand is simple – give them a great drive-thru experience. This can be accomplished by regularly asking, “What have we always done that is still working?” and “What is no longer working that we should do differently?”   From there, get rid of what isn’t working and introduce new strategies that:   Create an improvement plan for...

Drive-Thru Part Accessories When You Need Them

Commercial Electronics 0 24
When you think it about, it’s amazing how many different accessories are needed to keep your drive-thru parts and equipment functioning as they should. From speaker and microphone cables to external vehicle detectors, ear foam holder rings, battery chargers and much more.   At CE Repairs, we stock and sell 95 different drive-thru accessories from leading brands. These include HME, Panasonic,...

Avoid Unpredictable Drive-Thru Part Repairs with a CE Protection Plan

Commercial Electronics 0 24
Today’s drive-thru headsets are made to provide long life and solid performance if properly maintained. But sooner or later these essential drive-thru parts will need repairs to keep them going. That’s where a CE Repair Warranty and Drive-thru Maintenance Program can help.   Not only do we provide fast, professional drive-thru part repairs, we also save you money. Our protection plans offer...
