Don’t Let Winter Weather Rain on Your Drive-Thru Sound Quality

Commercial Electronics 0 23
Clear customer-to-crewmember communications is essential for fast, accurate service in the drive-thru. But the snow, sleet, wind and mud that comes with winter weather can often affect your outdoor drive-thru parts in ways that degrade sound quality.   To minimize external noise, place your order post in a protected spot, such as behind a building or facing away from traffic...

‘Tis the Season of Giving All Year At CE

Commercial Electronics 0 24
The holidays are a time for giving. At CE Repairs, the drive-thru parts repair specialists, we believe in giving all year round through our customer specials. When you become a CE customer, you are entitled to the following discounts:   First Month Free on a CE Drive-Thru Protection Plan Our popular drive-thru parts Protection Plans offer unlimited repairs on all major models and brands for...

Raise Your Ion “IQ” with CE Tutorial Videos

Commercial Electronics 0 30
The ION IQ headset system from HME remains one of the most popular drive-thru parts in the industry. So it’s important to know how to perform some basic maintenance tasks to keep your drive-thru lane running smoothly.   To assist keeping you in the know about basic ION IQ features, CE offers a convenient maintenance video page that you can access 24/7 at no cost. Tutorial videos on this page...
