Reduce Order Mistakes with these Sound Quality Technologies

Commercial Electronics 0 27
The drive-thru can be a noisy environment, both inside the restaurant and out. Since garbled communications are a leading cause of order mistakes, it’s important to have built-it sound reduction features in your headset system. These should include: Noise reduction. This technology uses specially designed circuits to separate speech from extraneous sound. Echo cancellation. This feature...

Get Your Drive-Thru Orders to the Kitchen Faster

Commercial Electronics 0 25
Despite continuing long lanes in drive-thru lanes, speedy service remains a top expectation for fast food customers. Getting orders to the kitchen quicker is one way to deliver it.     Remote ordering. Make it easy for customers to place their order by phone, Internet or social media app.   Speed teams. Send out multiple line busters equipped with mobile tablets that can instantly...

Don’t Overlook External Drive-Thru Part Maintenance

Commercial Electronics 0 26
Regular maintenance is an easy and effective way to keep your drive-thru parts and equipment in good condition. While headsets, timer systems and other internal equipment receive a lot of attention, maintenance for important outside equipment sometimes gets overlooked. Be sure to do the following on a regular schedule:   Vehicle detector loop. Check for cracks, potholes, sludge buildup,...

4 Tips to Boost Your Customer Loyalty Program

Commercial Electronics 0 23
Loyalty programs are a good way to increase average ticket sales, encourage return visits, and generate more revenue in the drive-thru. These four strategies can help make your program more effective:   Capture enough data to personalize offers and interact with loyalty members, but don’t ask for so much information that it feels intrusive.   Avoid overusing discounts as this can...
