5 Tips to Optimize Your Drive-Thru

Commercial Electronics 0 32
The dictionary defines “optimize” as making the best or most effective use of a situation, opportunity or resource – a goal every drive-thru operator strives to achieve. To get a head start on optimizing your drive-thru:   Make sure all exit points, parking spots, pull-forward spaces, and designated curbside pickup spots are well-marked and easy to find.   Install a preview board...

Avoid the Hassles of Drive-Thru Part Maintenance with CE Repairs EMA

Commercial Electronics 0 26
Are you thinking about adding an additional drive-thru lane at your restaurant to provide better service to customers? This approach works well to reduce wait times in the lane, but it also means adding more drive-thru parts and equipment, including headsets and timer systems. This, in turn, can add to repair costs to keep the equipment in good operating condition.   CE Repairs has a...

Use Your Menuboard to Increase Sales and Profits

Commercial Electronics 0 23
Today’s digital menuboards have become one of the best up-selling tools in the drive-thru. Here’s how to use your menuboard to increase average ticket sales and revenues.   Design and lay out your menuboard for profitability. Focus your menuboard strategy on the items that best support your revenue, average ticket sales, and other business goals.   Use video technology. Display video...

4 Tips for Seamless Remote Ordering and Pickup

Commercial Electronics 0 24
Are more of your drive-thru customers ordering remotely these days? If so, it’s not surprising considering the high number of cars in drive-thru lanes everywhere. These tips can help provide a seamless remote order pickup process for your customers   Make it easy to order. Provide clear, simple navigation on your web site and your social media app.   Provide estimated preparation...
