5 Tips for a No-Touch Drive-Thru Experience

Commercial Electronics 0 27
Due to COVID, today’s drive-thru customers are more concerned about safety than ever. To avoid direct contact when transferring food from the kitchen to the customer:   Have someone other than the cashier hand the packaged food to the customer. Have the cashier wear gloves during the payment process, receiving and dispensing cash and cards on a sanitized tray. Encourage...

Get Fast Delivery on All CE Drive-Thru-Parts – New and Repaired

Commercial Electronics 0 23
Your drive-thru customers expect fast service in the lane. When it comes to fixing your broken drive-thru parts, you expect the same from us. We work hard to provide fast, reliable service so you can deliver it to your customers in return.   We stock a wide variety of drive-thru parts and accessories. If you’re purchasing a new product from CE, whether it’s an HME, Panasonic or CE-branded...
