Move Cars Faster with a Line Busting Team

Commercial Electronics 0 34
Putting a line buster in the lane during busy dayparts has been around a long time. But with increasingly higher car counts in most drive-thrus, one line buster may not be enough. Try these for tips for keeping the cars moving smoothly through your lane.   1. Use line busting teams. When car counts exceed 10, send out multiple crewmembers – one extra line buster for every five additional...

Three Ways to Reduce Traffic Jams in the Drive-Thru

Commercial Electronics 0 27
These days, drive-thru queues seem more crowded than ever. Yes, there are lots of cars in the queue, but the traffic often gets more congested due to poor lane design, a small lot, and customers who aren’t sure how to navigate the drive-thru process. Here are three tips for cutting down on the congestion:   1. Adopt a multi-lane configuration. If you have room on the lot, add more lanes to...

CE Repairs: The Place to Go for Drive-Thru Headset Shopping

Commercial Electronics 0 24
If you’re looking for new headsets for your drive-thru operations CE Repairs is the right place. We stock many models of headsets from the leading brands – HME, Panasonic and 3M/PAR, along with our CE branded headsets – in new or refurbished condition. Our stock includes all-in-one and wired models, and we also carry a wide variety of headset accessories from power supplies and battery charges...

Fix Your Drive-Thru Vehicle Detector or Get A New One?

Commercial Electronics 0 26
Is your drive-thru vehicle detector giving you problems? If so, you may be able to fix it yourself. First, reset your drive-thru system base to see if that clears up the problem. If not, unplug the whole system and reboot it. If that doesn’t work, look for loose electrical and cable connections and frayed or exposed lead-in wires.   If you still can’t solve the problem, we’ll recondition or...
