Get Your Share of the 74 Million Drive-Thru Market

Commercial Electronics 0 25
In case you haven’t heard, there are about 74 million Generation Z youngsters (age 5 to 25) in America. Many are already old enough to patronize drive-thru restaurants. The rest of them will be coming up soon. Here’s how to turn this them into loyal customers:   Expand your menu options to include natural, organic and sustainable foods and healthy snack options. Gen Zs often prefer...

How Drive-Thru Maintenance Agreements Work

Commercial Electronics 0 23
Most companies that repair drive-thru parts and offer an equipment maintenance agreement, or EMA. These consist of one monthly payment for all your equipment repair needs rather than paying for repairs one at a time.   At CE Repairs, we call it our Drive-Thru Protection Plan because you don’t have to worry about delaying needed repairs when your cash flow is tight. Here’s how it works.   Our...
