Use Your Menuboard to Boost Sales and Profits

Commercial Electronics 0 29
Today’s digital menuboards offer more than just menu information. With the new technologies they have become sophisticated selling tools that can increase sales and profits. Try these techniques for capturing customer attention and raising their average ticket total.   First, design your menuboard for profitability. Make the items that best support your revenue, average ticket sales, and...

How CE Repairs’ Advance Exchange Program Works

Commercial Electronics 0 34
Few things are more upsetting than having downtime of a vital drive-thru part, such as a headset or timer system, because it stops working. The time it takes to ship it, have it repaired and returned to your drive-thru can reduce operational efficiency and drive up service times.   CE knows how important it is to minimize drive-thru part downtime, so we offer an Advance Exchange Program that...

It Never Hurts to Have Backup Drive-Thru Parts

Commercial Electronics 0 23
Have you thought about getting a dependable but low-cost way to communicate with customers in your drive-thru? What about a reliable backup for your wireless headset system? A cabled intercom provides a cost-effective solution for both.   Granted, a cabled intercom can’t compare with the latest drive-thru technologies, but they are better than they used to be. The newer ones include noise...

5 Simple Ways to Reduce Customer Service Times

Commercial Electronics 0 26
Lines keep getting longer in drive-thru lanes, yet customers still want fast service. Here are some simple but effective ways for lowering your service times.   Install menuboards before customers get to the order point. Giving them more time to browse the menu will lead to quicker orders. Encourage remote ordering and provide a dedicated lane for those customers. Equip line busters with...
