Do You Have a Dinosaur in Your Drive-Thru?

Commercial Electronics 0 27
  Compared to today’s sophisticated headset and timer systems, cabled intercom systems could be considered the “dinosaur” drive-thru part of the QSR industry. Although far less sophisticated, they can still be a life saver in the event your wireless communication system goes down.   Cabled intercoms are low-cost and easy to use. They can communicate with drive-thru and in-store communication...

3 Tips for Hiring Drive-Thru Employees

Commercial Electronics 0 21
If you’re still struggling to hire enough employees to fully staff your QSR and its drive-thru, these three techniques should help:   Provide flexible scheduling. This has become a top priority for today’s job seekers, especially students and working parents.   Offer pay on-demand. Pay on-demand allows workers to access their income as they earn it rather than...

3 Things You Should Be Doing to Attract Generation Z Customers

Commercial Electronics 0 25
Did you know that Generation Z, people born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, represent a market of 74 million potential drive-thru customers? That’s almost one out of every 5 Americans! Here are three tips for attracting this lucrative generation of fast food lovers to your drive-thru.   Gen-Zs don’t like to wait in the lane. Make remote ordering, pickup and delivery simple and...

Take Advantage of CE Drive-Thru Part Repair Freebies

Commercial Electronics 0 26
“Free” isn’t a word you hear very often in the drive-thru industry – unless you’re familiar with CE Repairs. We believe in taking good care of our customers, so we offer a variety of special offers as a way of saying “thank you” for doing business with us.   If you haven’t used CE for your drive-thru part repairs, you’re entitled to receive the following special offers as a first-time...
