It Never Hurts to Have Backup Drive-Thru Parts

Commercial Electronics 0 23
Have you thought about getting a dependable but low-cost way to communicate with customers in your drive-thru? What about a reliable backup for your wireless headset system? A cabled intercom provides a cost-effective solution for both.   Granted, a cabled intercom can’t compare with the latest drive-thru technologies, but they are better than they used to be. The newer ones include noise...

Do You Have a Dinosaur in Your Drive-Thru?

Commercial Electronics 0 27
  Compared to today’s sophisticated headset and timer systems, cabled intercom systems could be considered the “dinosaur” drive-thru part of the QSR industry. Although far less sophisticated, they can still be a life saver in the event your wireless communication system goes down.   Cabled intercoms are low-cost and easy to use. They can communicate with drive-thru and in-store communication...

Drive-Thru Systems Have Come a Long Way

Commercial Electronics 0 28
I’ve been in the fast food business a long time; long enough to remember when QSRs operated with manual drive-thru intercom systems rather than today’s sophisticated wireless headsets. Talk about low technology! It used to be that when a customer pulled into the lane, the order taker had to push a button to greet them and ask for the order. Then the customer had to push another button to...

Don’t Settle for Low-Quality Drive-Thru Headset Parts

Commercial Electronics 0 25
Operating a profitable drive-thru system requires reliable equipment that can stand up to the fast-paced drive-thru environment. But even the best equipment sometimes needs maintenance or repair. When a headset or timer system breaks down, you need fast, reliable repairs from a company that specializes in fixing drive-thru equipment. From drive-thru headset parts to timer systems and more, CE...

Why I Keep a Cabled Drive-Thru Intercom System on Hand

Commercial Electronics 0 23
As a QSR owner and operator for many years, I like to keep my drive-thru lane equipped with the latest drive-thru system technologies, such as high-definition headsets, digital menuboards, and the latest in drive-thru timers. Not only does this enable my staff to work more efficiently, it also sends a message to customers that we’re committed to giving them the best drive-thru experience...
