Buying New Headsets Is Quick and Easy at CE Repairs

Commercial Electronics 0 29
If your drive-thru is in need of new headsets, CE has got you covered. We stock and sell 26 different models of headsets from four brands – HME, Panasonic, 3M/PAR, and CE.   We make it easy to browse our inventory online with the ability to search by model, brand and condition. This includes searching for headsets eligible for our Advance Exchange Program, which provides temporary...

What A Cost-Effective Drive-Thru EMA Should Include

Commercial Electronics 0 25
Tired of having to pay for costly drive-thru part repairs when you least expect them?  If so, an equipment maintenance agreement (EMA) from a reliable vendor can save money and make budgeting for repairs easier.   Terms and costs can vary widely among drive-thru part and equipment EMAs, so it pays to do your research before signing on the dotted line. The most cost-effective EMAs include the...
