Are You Using Kitchen Equipment to Improve Service Times?

Commercial Electronics 0 31
Drive-thrus are always looking for ways to provide faster service. One often overlooked way to speed up service (and make the food taste even better!) is to upgrade your kitchen equipment. For example:   Replace flattop grills with clamshell grills for increased quality and consistency. Install new holding equipment to keeps products hotter longer. Acquire double-sided grills for...

Let CE Help You With DIY Drive-Thru Part Repairs

Commercial Electronics 0 28
Are you a do-it-yourself (DIY) kind of person when it comes to small, manageable repairs? If you’ve got a minor problem with a beltpac, base station or other drive-thru part, CE Repairs can help.   As part of our customer service, we offer free Drive-Thru Repair Technical Support over the phone that can save you time and money on the repair. Simply give us a call at 877-731-0334 and our...

How to Create Loyal Drive-Thru Customers

Commercial Electronics 0 31
Loyal customer programs are a great way to increase revenues in the drive-thru as long as you make it quick and easy for program members to use your app. These four tips will help loyalty members enjoy a good ordering and loyalty program experience.   Allow guests to order their favorite foods with a single click or tap of your app.   Display your menu front and center as soon as...

Don’t Let A Broken Base Station Slow You Down

Commercial Electronics 0 23
The base station is an essential drive-thru part, playing a vital role in managing and controlling all the communications that go through your headset system. So what do you do if yours suddenly goes kaput?   CE Repairs, a leader in drive-thru part repairs and equipment for 50 years, has several options. The quickest is to use our Advance Exchange Program, whereby we send you a temporary...
