Don’t Have Time for a Drive-Thru Headset Failure? Call CE Repairs!
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used to take orders in drive thrus. Why? Because it takes orders quickly and accurately and allows the human order taker to get involved in other tasks without making guests wait. But if you still use human order takers and the headset breaks down, you’re in trouble unless you have a standby headset. After all, headsets are the most important drive-thru part in the entire process. When they break down wait times get much longer, and customers often go somewhere else.
Fortunately, CE Repairs has a solution – our Advance Exchange program. When you don’t have time to for headset downtime, call us at 877-731-0334 and ask for an advance exchange. We’ll ship you a refurbished headset overnight, without you shipping the broken drive-thru part in advance. When you receive the replacement equipment, use the same box to send your broken equipment to us for as little as $75 plus the regular repair cost.
We’ve been repairing broken drive-thru parts for over 50 years, so we know that even if it’s not an overnight crisis, it’s still important for you to minimize downtime. That’s why we offer 24-hour service on most of our drive-thru part repairs. We provide a 4-month warranty on every repair as well. Fast service and quality repairs done right the first time. You can’t beat CE Repairs!