Do More For Your Store with CE’s Drive-Thru Protection Plan
Most drive-thru restaurants used a varied menu to attract customers who have different tastes and/or like to sample a wide variety of foods, drinks and desserts. At CE we get the attention of customers with our Drive-Thru Protection Plan.
Drive-thru part and equipment repairs are a fact of life, even when you maintain them on a regular basis. Accidents can happen. Improper maintenance can cause drive-thru parts to function incorrectly. Even quality parts wear out over time. All of which can create annoying hassles that distract you from managing your store.
Our Drive-Thru Protection Plan turns the tables by enabling you to focus on your drive-thru operations instead of repairing your broken parts. Here’s what our extensive protection plan menu includes:
- Essentially unlimited repairs at one fixed monthly payment
- Experienced technicians who get their repairs right the first time
- Repairs for any model, any brand, including HME, Panasonic and 3M/PAR
- Reduced downtime for your drive-thru parts and equipment
- No long-term contracts
There is no charge for the shipping every time you send in a drive-thru part for repair. Every repair is covered with a 4-month warranty (some restrictions apply). And if you sign up now for the protection plan, your first month is on us!
Call 877-731-0334 to learn how you can spend more time managing your store and less on equipment maintenance.