The Drive-Thru Part Protection Plan to Meet You Needs
Having drive-thru parts and equipment repaired can put a big dent in your operations budget, especially if you own or operate multiple restaurants. Enrolling in a drive-thru equipment maintenance agreement – at CE we call it our Drive-Thru Protection Plan – can save you money and avoid putting off needed repairs due to budget constraints.
Our Protection Plan provides fixed, low, monthly payments for your drive-thru part repairs. Plans are available from one to one thousand stores, and are good for any mix of headset and timer brands. They also offer flexible contract durations, shipping options and advance exchange options to meet your specific needs.
Best of all you get peace of mind knowing you have essentially unlimited repairs for one monthly payment. And you get them from the drive-thru part repair experts – CE.
If you’re ready for predictability in your drive-thru repair costs, give us a call at 877-731-0334. We’ll put together a Protection Plan contract that is just right for the size of your operations and your repair needs.