Is It Time for a Drive-Thru Timer System Upgrade?
the advent of remote ordering, curbside pickup and order delivery, drive-thrus
are tracking more performance data than ever. Unless your most important
drive-thru part – your timer
system – offers the following capabilities, you won’t be able to keep up with new trends that are
transforming the drive-thru industry.
1. Real-Time Metrics
2. Configurable dashborads
3. POS Integration
4. Gamification technology
5. Curbside pick-up tracking
6. Remote access
your drive-thru parts and equipment in good working condition is also essential
for tracking the performance data you need. CE Repairs makes it quick, easy and
affordable to do so.
We offer free inbound
shipping on all drive-thru parts, and same-day service on most
repairs. We also include a reliable 4-month warranty with all
repairs, so you can rest assured your parts will be fixed correctly. When you
need help keeping your drive-thru operating at full speed, call CE at 877-731-0334..