How To Avoid Poor Headset Sound Quality
Sound quality is one of the most important elements in the drive-thru ordering process. When customers and order takers can’t clearly understand what the other person is saying, service times are long and order mistakes increase. To keep the sound quality where it needs to be:
- Reduce extraneous noise with specially designed circuits that separate speech from unwanted sound.
- Use echo cancellation technology to track changes in the acoustic path and remove echo pattern sounds that come the person speaking.
- Use high-definition audio headsets to filter human speech from background noise.
- Keep the customer microphone and order taker headsets clean and well maintained at all times.
When it comes to fixing broken drive-thru parts and equipment, the quality of replacement parts makes the difference. CE Repairs uses only manufacturer and quality aftermarket parts in our repairs, and we guarantee the results with a limited 4-month warranty. We also offer same-day service on most repairs to ensure you get your drive-thru part back as quickly as possible.
We also stock and sell new and refurbished headsets from the leading brands, so when your broken part can’t be repaired we’ve got the headset you need.
When your headset sound quality isn’t up to par, call CE Repairs at 877-731-0334 for fast, affordable repairs.