Do’s and Don’ts for Drive-Thru Mobile Ordering
days, more drive-thru customers are looking to place their orders before they
arrive at your restaurant. If you’re thinking about adding this service, here’s
what to do and what not to do to make it work.
- Add order-and-pay capabilities to
your company’s mobile app.
- Make sure the ordering and payment
features work seamlessly with your point of sale system.
- Have a separate order pickup point
for mobile customers.
- Don’t
let mobile customers get their orders ahead of drive-thru customers already in the queue.
- Don’t eliminate the standard way to
order and pay; mobile customers are (for now) in the minority.
- Don’t forget to let customers know
they can order and pay remotely. Advertise it all the time.
Just because some customers order remotely, doesn’t
mean you no longer need traditional drive-thru parts like headsets and timers.
When you have broken or worn out drive-thru parts, we repair them to
factory standards – often with 24 hours of receiving them. When you need
drive-thru parts and equipment repaired quickly and professionally,
CE is the one to call: 877-731-0334.