Get Online Access to HME Equipment Manuals At CE Repairs

Commercial Electronics 0 75
If you use HME equipment to power your drive-thru operations but use CE for your drive-thru part repairs, you can access HME’s online Drive-Thru System User Manuals. Imagine how handy it is to have dozens of different manuals at your fingertips that instruct you on how to set up and operate systems for the following: Drive-thru headset systems, including the new NEXEO l HDX communication...

How To Choose the Right EMA Provider For Your Drive-Thru

Commercial Electronics 0 57
Do you often get surprised with unexpected drive-thru part and equipment repairs that lower your cash flow? If so, you can save money with an Equipment Maintenance Agreement (EMA) from CE. Many drive-thru part repair shops offer EMAs to their customers, but the services offered and the quality of repairs can vary. Before signing an EMA, ask yourself five questions. Does the EMA...

How CE Repairs’ Advance Exchange Program Works

Commercial Electronics 0 28
Few things are more upsetting than having downtime of a vital drive-thru part, such as a headset or timer system, because it stops working. The time it takes to ship it, have it repaired and returned to your drive-thru can reduce operational efficiency and drive up service times.   CE knows how important it is to minimize drive-thru part downtime, so we offer an Advance Exchange Program that...

It Never Hurts to Have Backup Drive-Thru Parts

Commercial Electronics 0 20
Have you thought about getting a dependable but low-cost way to communicate with customers in your drive-thru? What about a reliable backup for your wireless headset system? A cabled intercom provides a cost-effective solution for both.   Granted, a cabled intercom can’t compare with the latest drive-thru technologies, but they are better than they used to be. The newer ones include noise...

The Right Way to Handle Customer Complaints

Commercial Electronics 0 22
Drive-thru restaurants aren’t perfect, and from time to time you might be faced with an irate customer complaining about something that annoyed them. The best outcome is likely to occur when using these steps:   Listen attentively to the customer. Ask questions to understand the situation. Show empathy for the customer’s problem.  Apologize for making the...

Five Things That Add to a Great Drive-Thru Experience

Commercial Electronics 0 23
For a long time drive-thru guests thought that good tasting food, fast service, and no order mistakes were enough to consider it a great drive-thru experience. These days, when convenience counts, drive-thru patrons expect more, including:   Clearly mark all entrances and exits so customers can easily find where they want to go. Speed up the ordering process by providing multiple...

Fix Your Drive-Thru Vehicle Detector or Get A New One?

Commercial Electronics 0 22
Is your drive-thru vehicle detector giving you problems? If so, you may be able to fix it yourself. First, reset your drive-thru system base to see if that clears up the problem. If not, unplug the whole system and reboot it. If that doesn’t work, look for loose electrical and cable connections and frayed or exposed lead-in wires.   If you still can’t solve the problem, we’ll recondition or...

4 Simple Ways to Reduce Customer Service Times

Commercial Electronics 0 25
Looking for quick, simple ways to reduce customer wait times in the queue? These four tips are easy to implement and effective:   Equip line busters with mobile devices that can instantly relay orders to the kitchen and process payment. Offer curbside pickup for customers who don’t want to wait in the queue. Use order confirmation boards to reduce mistakes. Encourage remote payment by...
