How to Improve Employee Retention
remains at near-record lows in the U.S., which means your drive-thru employees
have plenty of options to work somewhere else. To cut down on employee turnover
– and the time and expense of hiring new employees – make the following part of
your employee retainment efforts:
- Hire the right personalities –
friendly people who like helping others.
- Make the job interesting - train
employees to work different jobs, and rotate them between stations to break
up the monotony.
- Provide opportunity for advancement
– let crewmembers know if they work hard they can earn more money and have
more responsibility.
- Reward your team for a job well
done – nothing drives employees away quicker than lack of recognition for
their efforts.
forget that CE offers factory authorized
repairs on all drive-thru parts and equipment. Call us at 877-731-0334 for
fast, friendly service and quality repairs.