Entries for month: September 2024

It Never Hurts to Have Backup Drive-Thru Parts

September 13, 2024 ·

Have you thought about getting a dependable but low-cost way to communicate with customers in your drive-thru? What about a reliable backup for your wireless headset system? A cabled intercom provides a cost-effective solution for both.


Tags: cabled drive-thru intercom · Drive-Thru Equipment · Drive-Thru Parts · Drive-Thru System · Drive-Thru System Repairs · Drive-thru technology

5 Simple Ways to Reduce Customer Service Times

September 06, 2024 ·

Lines keep getting longer in drive-thru lanes, yet customers still want fast service. Here are some simple but effective ways for lowering your service times.


Tags: Drive-Thru Efficiency · Drive-Thru Equipment · Drive-Thru Maintenance · Drive-Thru Parts · drive-thru strategy · Drive-Thru System · Drive-Thru System Repair · Drive-thru technology · Equipment Repairs